
Wash down points Hose and outside taps

Flushing outlets Its not just outside taps and garden hose. As this weather persist. Remember hose, outside taps, standing water and water butts. In hot weather can be ideal breading grounds for bugs to thrive. Remember bacteria loves warm weather and static water. Dont Like the office coffee ? Chiller water always tastes funny ?   This is a typical set up in an office a 15mm water pipe stepping down to 8mm into a coffee machine and mains water fountain The question is over the weekend or last week when every one was on appointments did they get used. ? Do not neglect these outlets. Although used often they are dispensing very small volumes and should be treated as a little used outlet and flushed weekly. Garden or wash down point plastic hose. As this weather persist. Hose, outside taps, standing water and water butts. Should be flushed regularly. Remember bacteria loves warm weather and static water. Keeping water flowing by flushing little used outlets

Dental Surgery Pipework

 Pipework Plans What you need to Know  Below Is a typical layout of a Dental Surgery Pipework This is a very low risk system. It does not have any stored water Sentinel outlets are at Surgery 2 and the staff room sink nearest and the tap furthest away Key:- Combi boiler :- Provides hot water on demand TMV WHB:- Thermostatically Controling Valve to produce water to wash hands at around 40oC

Can you fill a bottle with water? Then you can take your own Legionella samples!

How To take a sample & return it to our Lab How To take a sample & return it to our Lab Legionella The clear bottles with BLACK tops are legionella tests please fill up to the top and screw on the black caps TACC water quality test. The smaller brown bottles with WHITE tops  are TACC sample please also fill them to the top and screw on the white caps Which bottles are the right sample bottles Each bottle is dated & site reference number is already printed on the bottle Your Site Bottles Read The Labels on your site bottles These Labels will tell you where the samples are to be taken from These Labels are dated and every effort needs to be taken to return them within the dates printed These Labels tell you what you are sampling The sample bottles The bottles look wet inside. DO NOT worry about these small droplets. It is an inhibitor agent to keep the inside of the bottle free of bacteria and neutralise the chlorine in the water sa
What is a Schematic Drawing of your pipework ? Your Legionella Risk Assessment requires a plan of your hot and cold water pipes(services) as these pipes run around  your building, unit or surgery. This plan is a representation, not an exact copy. A bit like the London Tube Map. The idea of a schematic is to show, plainly and simply, a plan or map of pipes and make looking at this layout much easier to understand. The Legionella Risk Assessment Schematic plan is draw in such away, to aid the users of the site Providing a way of quickly comprehending :-what the water pipes are doing and how the water moves around the site. This means is is not an exact copy of the pipework on the site, just a accurate guide. It must show important testing areas of the building. For Example where the nearest and furthest outlets are located, (monthly monitoring) how the water routes around (flow and return) and where the high risks areas (little used outlets water storage). This is where Legi
News from The Shetlands Bibby Challenge  currently berthed at Scalloway. THE COUNCIL’S environmental health department has confirmed that Legionella bacteria have been found on board the accommodation barge  Bibby Challenge  currently berthed at Scalloway. The barge was towed into Scalloway harbour earlier this month to house men working on a long term maintenance programme at Sullom Voe Terminal. Environmental health manager Maggie Sandison said there was no public health concern as the water system would be flushed with water and bleach before the barge would be occupied. It was discovered when the barge operator, contrary to their own procedures, took a sample before flushing and commissioning the water system. “It is not uncommon to have Legionella in these environments, but you would normally not get a ‘positive’ sample, because you would flush the system before taking a sample,” Mrs Sandison said. “A specialist contractor is here and working with the system, once

Alegion Water: Services

Alegion Water: Services : Water Treatment Services, Quality Analysis and Legionella Management Consultancy  Legionella Risk Assessment Legionella & Bacteri...

Little used outlets flushing and what is a "dead legs" ??

Little used Outlets should be flushed & what is and how long is a "dead legs" ?? Most offices, Factories and buildings have a tap or outlet that is little used or redundant pipework This picture is a cleaners sink in a small industrial unit. You don't need to be an expert to see this is a little used outlet. Next door to this locked and un-used sink was the sites showers. So not a great combination This length of un-used water pipe will become a breading ground for bacteria if it is not flushed regularly. You will some times see on your legionella risk assessment a term know as a "dead leg" See diagram below for an example.  Stagnant water favours Legionella growth. To reduce the risk you should remove dead legs/dead ends in pipe-work, flush out infrequently used outlets (including showerheads and taps) at least weekly and clean and de-scale shower heads and hoses at least quarterly.  Technical  Term for a dead leg The term "deadl